Bespoke Solution

Integrated Online Booking Engine, Satellite Tracking, Commercial Smartcard

At TransMach, we develop bespoke ticketing solutions to meet the customer’s requirements. The customer can pick & choose from different modules/applications according to their requirements. Our approach is to build a solution to suit the customer’s business needs rather than offering them an off the shelf product/solution. This approach is widely appreciated and benefits customers in achieving their objectives.

Online Web Booking Engine

onlinebooking Our online ticket booking engine is fully integrated with the CASIO IT-9000 ticketing solution i.e. booking tickets online, validating them onboard for reducing fraud and online back-office system for analysing data instantly. It is integrated with various merchants e.g. Sage Pay, Capita, Civica, World Pay etc. We can also integrate the booking engine with any other merchant.

Take a look at some of our work using the links below:

Mobile App

mobileapp It allows the passengers to see live journey information including schedule and expected arrival times. The user can also book tickets using the app. We can customise the app to suit your requirements.

Geo Tracking and Schedule Adherence

geotracking The operator can track the coaches using the geo tracker system. The operator can see arrival times for coaches at different stops. The operator can apply filters to only show a particular route on the map.

Schedule Adherence report shows the operator the schedule time and the actual time for each stop for journey. This can be sued to determine if the driver is running early or late and make improvements for journey times.

Smart Card

smartcard Introducing smart cards can reduce maintenance cost, eliminate cash handling and increase revenue. The operator can offer various new tickets e.g. Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, 10 Journey etc. The onboard CASIO machine validates the smartcards and the driver doesn’t have to worry about checking expiry dates on a paper tickets.

The paper tickets can easily be photo copied and very hard for the driver to distinguish between genuine and fraud tickets. The smartcard solution stops that. The operator can also offer online top up of the smartcard which is very popular for customers and enhance customer experience.

Card Payment

cardpayment Accepting card payments on board can improve revenue. The system comes with an external card terminal connected to CASIO via Bluetooth. The driver selects the tickets to issue and the machine sends the amount to the card terminal via Bluetooth technology.

Once the card payment is authorised, the CASIO prints the tickets out. The card terminal is separate so the driver/operator doesn’t have to hand the whole machine to the customer.